Thank you, Furuba!

This is a zine to celebrate and thank Fruits Basket for the impact it has had in our lives. This is a very special story that has touched many hearts.

🐭 Current Phase: ZINE COMPLETED! Thank you so much!!!


Welcome to Thank You, Furuba: A Fruits Basket Fanzine!

This zine is to say "thank you," for having the chance to experience such a beautiful story. It made us cry and laugh, but most of all, it made us smile. Fruits Basket is about finding the beauty hidden in the difficult moments in our lives.


Have questions? We would love to hear from you!


What is the theme of this zine?

The theme of the zine will be Seasons and Found Family.

Will there be ships?

Yes there will be ships, but we will only allow canon ships. Since this is a "Thank you" to the story of Fruits Basket, we feel it is only appropriate to allow canon relationships in the zine.

Is this zine for profit or for charity?

The zine will be for charity! We will do a poll to pick which one, and will be sure to announce the charity once it has been determined.

How many contributors will be accepted?

The number is subject to change, but about 25 Artists and 10 Writers!

Can contributors collaborate?

Yes, artists and writers can collaborate. I think collaborating will enhance both the writing and art of a piece.

Can I apply for more than one position?

Yes, but you will only be picked for one!

Will contributors get a free copy?

A physical copy is not guaranteed, this will be up to sales, but a PDF copy will be given to all contributors.

Is traditional art accepted?

Yes! As long as you can scan your art to 300 DPI.

What are the specs for the zine?

6" x 9” Physical and Digital. Fully colored double sided printing.

Will there be international shipping?


If you do not see your question, please don't hesitate to send it to any one of our social media accounts and we'll be more than happy to answer it for you!





  • Please make sure all links are accessible, otherwise we won't be able to review your application.

  • Although this zine is SFW, you may submit NSFW samples or include them in your portfolio as long as they are properly labeled with warning. This includes specifying which pieces the warnings apply to.


  • We ask you to provide 3 examples of your best pieces.

  • Samples must be between 1k-2k words.

  • Samples can be an individual chapter, or an excerpt from a longer fic.

  • It helps to have at least one Furuba piece in your application, but it's not required.

  • We are looking for solid grammar, proper punctuation and spelling, good characterizations, and solid narratives.

  • Writers may work alone or collaborate with an artist.


  • We ask that you provide 3 examples of your best pieces.

  • A Furuba piece is not required for artists, but is appreciated.

  • At least one of these pieces should be a full-colored illustration featuring a complete background (not just flat color or graphics).

  • Traditional artwork is accepted so long as it can be scanned in good quality.

  • If applying as a merch artist, it is preferred to show and example of the art style you intend to use for merch.

  • We will evaluate the anatomy and proportions, the use of colors and light, backgrounds, and overall atmosphere of the piece.